
Inside IV: Munger Hall Campus – Community Forum

18 Jun, 2022

isla vista / news / ucsb

Happening June 1: “Munger Hall: Student and Public Response Panels.” Organizers say this event, at UCSB’s Campbell Hall, will provide an opportunity for diverse stakeholders to participate in a forum on the controversial proposed University of California Santa Barbara’s (UCSB) Munger Hall student housing project. KCSB’s Jennifer Yoshikoshi spoke with […]

Inside IV: CHAMP on Proposed Munger Hall

08 Jun, 2022

isla vista / news / ucsb

Campus Housing Alternatives to Munger Hall, Please (CHAMP), a new coalition, recently united with several UCSB orgs and others who are concerned about UC Santa Barbara’s plans to build ‘the world’s largest dormitory’ at UCSB. KCSB’s Dick Flacks spoke with UCSB alumna Deb Callahan, who assisted students in organizing a […]

Beyond Timely Warnings, Episode 2: Policy

31 May, 2022

isla vista / news / ucsb

KCSB News brings you Beyond Timely Warnings, a new feature series investigating sexual assault at UC Santa Barbara. In the second episode of Beyond Timely Warnings, KCSB’s Cecilia Aden and Molly Wright unpack the policy surrounding sexual assault at UCSB and its impact on survivors. Our theme music for this […]

The Authenticity of Queer & Trans Art

22 Feb, 2022

news / ucsb

On February 18th, UCSB’s Resource Center for Sexuality & Gender Diversity held its quarterly Student Art Gallery presenting works centering on this quarter’s theme: “Metamorphosis” and “True Self.” KCSB’s Terrie Jeon speaks with featured artists, the author of this quarter’s theme, and RCSGD’s marketing coordinator.

The Movement to Stop Munger Hall

09 Nov, 2021

news / ucsb

KCSB News · The Movement to Stop Munger Hall Hundreds of students and community members gathered outside the steps of Davidson library on Friday, November 5th, to protest the construction of Munger Hall – UCSB’s proposed mega-dorm to be funded by billionaire Charles Munger and open in 2025. KCSB’s Daniel […]

Discussing OnlyFans and Digital Sex Work with Professor Mireille Miller-Young

26 Oct, 2021

news / ucsb

KCSB News · Discussing OnlyFans and Digital Sex Work with Professor Mireille Miller-Young In late August, the subscriber-based online platform, OnlyFans, announced its decision to suspend all adult content from its servers. After a significant outcry from the public and the site’s users, OnlyFans reversed its decision in less than […]

Unmasking Isla Vista: University & Students

KCSB News and Sports · Unmasking Isla Vista: University & Students In episode two of our series, Unmasking Isla Vista: University & Students, KCSB’s Ashley Rusch and Daily Nexus reporter Sindhu Ananthavel narrow in on UC Santa Barbara’s response to four major topics: academic dishonesty, mental health, international students, and […]

UCSB Reads on KCSB: Week 11 with Stephen Snyder

13 May, 2021

blog / ucsb

On the May 13th edition of “UCSB Reads 2021” on 91.9 KCSB-FM, we welcome Stephen Snyder, who reads When They Call You a Terrorist, Chapter 11: “Black Lives Matter.” Steve S. is Merchandising Manager at the Isla Vista Food Cooperative. He also hosts KCSB-FM’s long-running weekly music program “Joyful Cosmos” on Mondays from 6-8pm […]

UCSB Reads on KCSB: Week 6 with Diana Collins Puente

01 Apr, 2021

blog / ucsb

On the April 1st edition of “UCSB Reads 2021” on KCSB-FM, we welcome Diana Collins Puente, Director of Community Affairs, Student Development and Leadership for UCSB’s Associated Students. Diana reads from When They Call You a Terrorist, Chapter 7: “All The Bones We Could Find.” Every Thursday from 5:30-6:30 PM PT, “UCSB Reads 2021” on KCSB is […]

UCSB Reads on KCSB: Week 5 with Diana Escamilla

18 Mar, 2021

blog / ucsb

On the March 18th edition of “UCSB Reads 2021” on KCSB-FM, we welcome Diana Escamilla, a 3rd year Psychological & Brain Sciences Major at UCSB with an English Minor. Diana is also a member of KCSB-FM’s Executive Committee in her capacity as our Promotions Coordinator. Diana will be completing When They […]

UCSB Reads on KCSB: Week 4 with Whitney Ater

04 Mar, 2021

blog / ucsb

On the fourth edition of “UCSB Reads 2021” on KCSB-FM (Thursday, March 4th), we welcome Whitney Ater, Financial Analyst in the Phelps Administrative Support Center and a Committee Chairperson for the UCSB Professional Women’s Association (PWA). Whitney is reading When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir, […]

Making STEM More Accessible to Black & Latinx Students

16 Feb, 2021

current affairs / news / ucsb

With the majority of developers in the STEM field being white males, much of the resulting code tends towards serving white males and under-serving communities of color. KCSB’s Aubrey Valerio spoke with Dr. Sharon Tettegah, the director of the Center for Black Studies Research at UCSB, about the different programs […]

Pushing for an American Indian and Indigenous Studies Department at UCSB

11 Feb, 2021

news / ucsb

Native and Indigenous Students at UC Santa Barbara have been working towards establishing an American Indian and Indigenous Studies Department for upwards of six years. Recently, a petition was created to bring visibility to this topic and show support for the initiative. KCSB’s Kathryn Foster sits down with Esme Quintero […]

UC Considers Suspending Standardized Testing

11 Feb, 2021

news / ucsb

The UC Board of Regents discussed the possible suspension of standardized testing for admissions on January 21, according to the Daily Nexus. Alternative tests are being proposed in replacement of the SAT and ACT. KCSB’s Jennifer Yoshikoshi has more on the story. KCSB News and Sports · UC Considers Suspending […]

The American Radio Archives Moves to UCSB

10 Feb, 2021

news / ucsb

KCSB News and Sports · The American Radio Archives Moves to UCSB The American Radio Archives will be moving to UCSB. The collection, one of the largest in the world, was previously housed in Thousand Oaks. KCSB’s Sierra van der Brug speaks with David Seubert with the UCSB Library Special […]

Move-In Day During a Pandemic

02 Feb, 2021

isla vista / news / ucsb

KCSB News and Sports · Move-In Day During a Pandemic “Chaotic..excitingly chaotic” and “rushed” were the words used to describe the weekend of Jan. 15-18th. In a span of four days, 1,000 undergraduate students moved into university-owned apartments for the Winter and Spring quarter. KCSB’s Pricila Flores has more on […]

The UCSB Graduate Division’s Racial Justice Fellowship

12 Jan, 2021

news / ucsb

KCSB News and Sports · The UCSB Graduate Division's Racial Justice Fellowship The Racial Justice Fellowship Program at UCSB is offering graduate students committed to racial justice the opportunity to furthering research on issues like systemic racism and how it affects their communities. KCSB’s Aubrey Valerio spoke with Interim Graduate […]


05 Jun, 2020

current affairs / isla vista / life / news / ucsb

We demand that SB City Council adopt a resolution condemning police brutality and declare racism a public health emergency. Email Mayor Cathy Murillo and city council members. We demand transparency and accountability from the SB Police Department. No more “community conversation” without changes to policy and practices No more internal […]

The Beloved Community of IV COVID Campaign

03 Jun, 2020

blog / health & science / isla vista / news / ucsb

KCSB-FM is supporting The Beloved Community of Isla Vista in their COVID-19 messaging campaign. They are urging community members to take care of themselves and neighbors by wearing masks and observing physical distancing. Among other things, the novel coronavirus messaging campaign will showcase colorful signs around the community with encouraging […]

Environmental Leadership is “Incubating” at UCSB

10 Jun, 2019

news / ucsb

With the country’s first Environmental Studies program and the birthplace of Earth Day, leadership is no stranger here in Santa Barbara. But that doesn’t stop UCSB faculty and students from pursuing innovation in the field. Robert Stark talks to UCSB Professor Simone Pulver about her new environmental leadership incubator class.

The Rippling Effects of America’s Teacher Shortage

01 May, 2019

current affairs / news / ucsb

A report aiming to capture the magnitude of the US’s teacher shortage was released by the Economic Policy Institute last month. Tine Sloan, an associate teaching professor at the university of California, Santa Barabara, talked to KCSB about the shortage and its causes, as well as how organizations and legislators […]

UCSB A.S. holds Town Hall of Food Security

25 Apr, 2019

isla vista / news / ucsb

On Tuesday, April 16th, The Associated Students of UCSB held a townhall to re-evaluate the communities progress towards Food Security of students and the community of Isla Vista. KCSB reporter Kody Chong covers the issues brought by speakers and community members at the town hall.

UCSB Theater’s Costume Shop

25 Apr, 2019

news / ucsb

KCSB Reporter Yingran Zhu gives a look at the people behind UCSB’s costume shop and the work they do for the university’s lively theater schedule.