text by Niko / edited by digital-media

09 September, 2020

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Please enjoy our 2020 Virgo season horoscope PSA for August 22nd-September 22nd this year, brought to you by DJ Jess, and DJ Dolce ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

“Hi I’m DJ dolce, and I’m DJ Jess, and punctual as always, it’s your Virgo season PSA.

The last season of summer, Virgo brings with it a keen itch to reorganize our life as we close out such a heated time. Like the cool off after some cardio, this season replenishes our energy and encourages each individual to reimplement healthy structure back into their daily routine. If you are someone who tends to look at the bigger picture, maybe it’s time to start focusing on the details. If you’re naturally a detail-oriented human, consider this time a test of stamina, perhaps asking questions surrounding how well you can fine tune your life as a whole. When we take time to make sure all of our ducks are in a row, an opportunity for a quality check arises. Polish away the smallest bits in your life that are no longer serving you. Virgos like it refined and simple. How can you incorporate that into your life?

Being an earth sign, Virgos are focused deeply on the body, making them the self care royalty of the zodiac. We can be our most efficient machine if we handle our body, mind, and spirit properly! Like the houseplants we have hoarded over the summer, we also thrive with consistent nourishment and the patience to rally through any turbulence. Stay hydrated and courteous to yourself, and there is no doubt that you will be impressed by your own capabilities. Sometimes saying no to yourself is self love. Sometimes saying yes is an act of radical bravery. Virgo season allows your needs to be placed in the drivers seat.

Realize that perfection isn’t obtainable, but practice embodying your best self while also staying within healthy boundaries.

This season is focused on the throat chakra; a space for willpower and self expression, if you’re feeling yourself a little more than usual, EMBRACE THAT! Your self love is radical and ascending! Use that energy source to your full advantage as we transition into autumn.”

(Illustration courtesy of Lucy Greenberg, Instagram: @luwitch)

Posted in PSA's, Blog

Tags: astrology psa series, PSA