How to Become a Member?

Make an online gift here
Make a phone call to John Snow at (208) 426-3668.

Mail your gift to:
Boise State Public Radio
1910 University Dr.
Boise, ID 83725-1916

How to Make Matching Gifts

An easy way to double or even triple your donation to Boise State Public Radio is to find out if your company has a matching-gift program. Such programs typically match all or a percentage of employee contributions to charitable organizations, making the employer a partner in employees’ personal philanthropy. Simply obtain a matching-gift form from your employer’s personnel office, fill it out, and mail it to Boise State Public Radio. To find out if your company will match your gift click here.

get involved

I am interested in (check all that apply):

my own radio program
volunteering only
send us an email reminder for the next KCSB-FM informational orientation